- A Shepherd after God's own heart
- Surprised By Life
- The Joy of Salvation
- Pushing Towards Grace
- Pressing On Toward the Goal!
- not unto us
- This World Is Not My Home
- Godly Ladies in Training
- The Life of a Christian Musician
- Stained Glass Masquerade
- Prove it!
- In Pursuit
- Tales of an Even Fall
- Conviction Point
- Obey Your God
- One girl's journey of Doing Hard Things
- Bold Readings
- Yarns of the Eccentric
- Generation MOVE
- Allaway Hollow
- The Rebelution
- Lisa's Little Corner
- An Instrument in Christ's Hands
- Think Upon These Things
The world says that greatness is wealth, beauty, smarts, fame, etc. It says that in order for women to succeed we must be independent, get our degrees, be financially successful to do whatever we please. A woman who nurtures her children, keeps order in her household, blesses those around her by her gentleness and submissive spirit to her husband (Proverbs 31; Titus 2), is neither praised nor valued by society. And sometimes, because Christ isn't at the center of our lives, the grass starts to look greener on the other side. The world's ways start looking more appealing, and our focus gets lost. It might be a time of complaining and griping about how little we can accomplish and it seems like nothing ever happens. Or maybe it might be more drastic, like running away from our problems by pretending they aren't there and don't affect us. So it may seem, that when we get to these points, hope fades away. How is it possible to turn back to the truth when we've rejected it so much? But there is always hope, because of a Friend and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Becoming a woman of God is a slow and long process that takes time, patience, mistakes, getting back up and starting again; it's a process that is painful yet amazing, ugly yet beautiful, and it's a process that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. May we be continually reminded that God's way is best no matter how green the grass looks on the other side. . .
She sits at her desk
As she thinks of her tasks.
The monotony, the drudgery,
Is this all life asks?
What of the dishes?
What of the clothes?
Shopping and meals,
“Do we need more of those?”
The life-changing things
Is what I want, she says.
The challenge, the adventure,
Living life on the edge.
How long must she stay here?
What must she do?
To end this path mundane,
And start life anew?
So she starts her seeking,
And looking around.
But then something hits her,
And its message resounds.
Bold are the words
As they run through her mind
“Why aren't you seeking Me instead?”
Rang like a chime.
“You waste so much effort
On plans that aren't Mine.
Be still and listen.
And then you will find...
That all the monotony and drudgery
Is exactly the thing I want you to do.
Be patient,
Take joy in all tasks that I give you.
Learn to be virtuous,
Learn to be pure.
Learn obedience,
While I give strength to endure.
The girl could now see
What her problem had been.
She now was contrite,
And ashamed of her sin.
But the Lord saw her sorrow,
And gently reminded;
His grace was sufficient,
And His love was not blinded.
She renewed her commitment
And learned to obey.
The years passed on,
And now today?
Her husband and children
Can't thank God enough
For the blessing He's given them
Once a diamond in the rough.
She lives as a light.
Silently, gloriously
As the threads of her life,
Leave their mark upon history.
Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. ~Proverbs 31:10
And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. ~1 John 2:17
Philippians 3:12-14
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- Tiffany
- When circumstances seem impossible, when all signs of grace in you seem at their lowest ebb, when temptation is fiercest, when love and joy and hope seem well-nigh extinguished in your heart, then rest, without feeling and without emotion, in the Father's faithfulness. ~D. Tryon

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